Saturday, May 17, 2008

point of repetition

Everyone asks, "What's your point?"
They project that I think too much
because I express poetically
feelings beyond comprehension
revealing the meditative edge
to contemplation as appreciation.
If unconditional love offers
being free from judgment
any point is indentured.
Service is the connection
that points away from self control.
Consideration binds us to concepts
by degrees of repetition which
implies reflexive attachment


Charles Bergeman said...

There may indeed be some who are projecting, as that is a common reaction to challenging or confusing statements.

I suppose that there are some who are also prompted to suppress these challenges.

However, asking "what's your point?" cannot always be categorized in such a way. Perhaps there is a genuine attempt to understand your perspective? Is that not also a valid reaction?

In extreme cases, some might say they deserve an explanation, for you have occupied their time and energy in listening, and they feel they deserve to at least come away with some understanding, if not sympathy for your views.

brad4d said...

Thank you for the sensitivity to awareness points that allow response to appreciate attention to donate another detail . . always more to the story . .

Angela said...

Brad, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. :-)

I like what you have going on, with your poetic styling and questioning. I'm sure your mind is very entertaining to those around you... or are you like me and mostly hide it away?

namaste. angela