Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Your money is
guilt by association is
evidence of indentured behavior
offering victim to be the victimizer
introduces standing on top of others,
con-founding paradox amid recycle,
we try angles to take advantage.
Crime trickles down cash.
Support starts on bottom,
so many tests of kind fail
re-education for self-knowing
not represented as pre-promised.
commonunity organizing is credit to
accept those who participate in the inflate.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Democracy is an experiment
to find supportive acceptance
of experimentation.

The test . . is to avoid denial,
even judgment uses discouragement
to deny . . advantage ideology.

Contentment response ability
relative care is shared.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

point of repetition

Everyone asks, "What's your point?"
They project that I think too much
because I express poetically
feelings beyond comprehension
revealing the meditative edge
to contemplation as appreciation.
If unconditional love offers
being free from judgment
any point is indentured.
Service is the connection
that points away from self control.
Consideration binds us to concepts
by degrees of repetition which
implies reflexive attachment

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

observing angles

Being trained to observe has been my educational quest.
I inherited behavior modified by a new deal with social work.
Preconditioned reflexes make us all victims of many markets,
from the job market propped up by education mills, to groceries,
the insurance payments hurt the most conceptually as tricks,
playing with entertainment trends of environmental involvement.
Contributing perspective is the most artistic conceptual freedom,
the surreal trends would indulge fantasies imposed on healthy habits,
for ideal fiction experiments flex scientific implied concepts
projected from cultural problem templates needed as mediation
avenues of agreement develop a currency to energize growth
as a creativity credit qualifies for paying respect and
to pay attention to detailed angles which multiply meanings,
with a spectrum's delight!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

free form

Shouldn't we be questioning
more of the structure
we've been assigned to?
How far is freedom getting?
Couldn't behavior modification open the way
resources are being contained?

respectful living

Life becomes aware
in qualities, like gifts,
to affirm a generous support system,
donate social freedom access,
designed for appreciation,
integrates parties for interests.
Unless taught otherwise,
sharing doesn't resent selfishly,
mankind tends to love,
showing initiative credits for creative,
naturally balanced tendencies
pay attention to share respect costs.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

image an ultimate capasity

There are universal projections
of contribution needs to manifest
points of departure from normal,
to extend improvements, accessed
by feeling connected, like family,
of values, inheritance properties
creating self-response-abilities
that need to appear as deviating
elemental, willing compliance for
best understanding of existing
projection directions' improvement
in subtle balance experiments
to entertain conscious wonder
relationship agreement.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

paradox of focussing diversity

Supportive attitudes get taken advantage of.
We get put away by our check-in timing
like personal curfews, our rooms are as
messy as our freedom to choose looseness.
Organizations used educations' tools to
fool the process of maturity to invest in
youthful products distracting maintenance.
With new production consumption reflexes
we stretch our necks to seek intoxication.
Regaining shared values with communication,
in movies, in songs, with entertaining motivation,
we find the service of self-importance stories.
Presentation time allows creative expression
which flexes the forms we can be held to,
pay attention for assurance that heals.
By seeing restorative trends indicates
the intention of contribution by appreciation.
The concept of cultural supports quality
building advocate behavior as agency budgets
relate participation potential, the powers
that praise performance raise self-respect.
Granting freedom is the risk of choice.
Expanding the spectrum of options
increases the placement of diversity.

Friday, February 29, 2008

e-mote hope

Dis-ability values gamble on
insurance sell-out of assurance
factor in answer projection delusion.
Communication works to explain
experience as honest hope extends
trust in future behavior trends.
Systems restore profits' limited term
by appreciation developing observant
sentimental value contribution,
This inspirational do-nation being
more aware, reveals more balance in
the image-nation's interpretation.
The body of work does service
to considerate possibilities in spirit.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

think worse gets better

There is a healthier attitude of improvement through acceptance.
If you don't want me to explain, accept that words can be poetic meditation.

Don't think about what is being said,
just experience the response of ideals
when relating concepts of discovery,
respect a paradox dynamic of awareness
so feelings of uniting can improve
by understanding the roles in debate.

Uncomfortable as it has to be, pain
reflects birthing contentment from
turbulent weather patterns that
wash away the toxic build-up
so that closure can inspire relaxation.

But I keep thoughts coming
to massage points of balance
as example that free-flow reveals
more chance to improve experience.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

for giving freely

There is an honesty quotient of how
we acquire things to value concepts
revealing awareness in spectrums of sense qualities
intensified by justifying contrast acceptability
with freedom of preference we exercise choice

so by enduring what isn't preferred
elevates desire for opposite potential
to victimize duration of location
to be fulfilled forgiving freedom

To liberate organization of current concepts
material forms liquidate into drops of memories
flowing together for the integration of life processes

Fragmented by duration and location distinctions
manifest placement perfection to include the most
awarenesses with the denials, so if
I give up the GOOD versus BAD
I can only be better or worse than myself

Saturday, January 12, 2008

without saying

Do YOU need me to thank you
for enjoying a relationship with my kids?

Friday, January 11, 2008

concepts of integrity ~A~

Attention to being is in the method of payment!
ConTRIBUTE economy is a model of spiritual balance.
This is the investment value in credit to poverty levels,
donating freedom should pass to personal assistants,
as recognition of service values. PAY RESPECT,
pay attention, when career needs impose family values.
Job sharing should yield appreciation time combining
concepts of integrity

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

poetic concepts

The power of support for me,
goes out to patience w/others,
response made able for focus on
developing education link to commUNITY.
Debt of GRATITUDE in attitude ~
Paying attention realigns tension
as motivation principles develop
standards on step with stage setting
to include diverse points of view

So conceptual values extend closure needs
for procrastination to work properly
it is ending life that must be put-off!

As Commandment Principles,
we have played scrabble with exceptions
sensitive to expressions drawn of emotive
properties held in trust to value prove truth.

Progression benefits of denial released
when charge of depression is defensive
allows restorative justice gratefulness
as example of harmony sharing risks.

Effort to simplify understanding pivots
on exercising interview questions to open
energy channels on credit currency potential

So the point is less interesting
when destiny strickens freedom
than when choice assures regret.

So we must conTRIBUTE
to cause ease of change in self importance
relationships recognizing need-sharing
cures the giver exponentially.

Donation gives spiritual value to action-taking!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Appreciation invests interests,
others can inspire values,
Relation, Response(ability),
Respect contribute principle
standards of expression!