Saturday, May 17, 2008

point of repetition

Everyone asks, "What's your point?"
They project that I think too much
because I express poetically
feelings beyond comprehension
revealing the meditative edge
to contemplation as appreciation.
If unconditional love offers
being free from judgment
any point is indentured.
Service is the connection
that points away from self control.
Consideration binds us to concepts
by degrees of repetition which
implies reflexive attachment

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

observing angles

Being trained to observe has been my educational quest.
I inherited behavior modified by a new deal with social work.
Preconditioned reflexes make us all victims of many markets,
from the job market propped up by education mills, to groceries,
the insurance payments hurt the most conceptually as tricks,
playing with entertainment trends of environmental involvement.
Contributing perspective is the most artistic conceptual freedom,
the surreal trends would indulge fantasies imposed on healthy habits,
for ideal fiction experiments flex scientific implied concepts
projected from cultural problem templates needed as mediation
avenues of agreement develop a currency to energize growth
as a creativity credit qualifies for paying respect and
to pay attention to detailed angles which multiply meanings,
with a spectrum's delight!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

free form

Shouldn't we be questioning
more of the structure
we've been assigned to?
How far is freedom getting?
Couldn't behavior modification open the way
resources are being contained?

respectful living

Life becomes aware
in qualities, like gifts,
to affirm a generous support system,
donate social freedom access,
designed for appreciation,
integrates parties for interests.
Unless taught otherwise,
sharing doesn't resent selfishly,
mankind tends to love,
showing initiative credits for creative,
naturally balanced tendencies
pay attention to share respect costs.